The Rental Revolution: Leticia Guedes, Founder of BAG IT

1 May, 2024

"It's about making luxury accessible. I love knowing that we're providing a service that resonates with people and helps them enjoy the world of luxury in their own way."

Can you tell us about yourself and how you ended up living in Milan? 

 My journey to Milan began back in 2018 when I first came to Italy to do a Master’s in Polimoda Florence. I absolutely fell in love with the culture, the art, and, of course, the fashion. After completing my studies, I was offered a position here in Italy, and I knew I wanted to stay. 

As I gained experience in the industry, Milan just made sense. It's the beating heart of Italy's business and fashion scenes, and I felt a deep connection with the city's energy and style. Milan has this incredible blend of tradition and innovation, and it's just the perfect place for someone like me who loves to push boundaries while respecting the classics. Now, I can't imagine being anywhere else. It's vibrant, it's stylish, and it's where I truly feel at home. 

What inspired you to start a rental business for luxury bags? 

Well, it's quite simple. I've always had a deep appreciation for luxury bags—the craftsmanship, the history, and the way they can be a true expression of personality. For me, a luxury bag is more than just an accessory; it's almost like a trusted companion that adds a touch of confidence to my day. 

I've always been that friend—the one people come to when they need advice on which bag to invest in or just want to borrow one for a special occasion. I would happily lend out my bags because I believe that everyone should have the chance to experience the luxury and craftsmanship without necessarily committing to a purchase. It made me realize that there was a gap in the market for a rental service that could make luxury bags accessible to more people, especially for those unique events where you want to make a statement. 

After a few frustrating experiences of searching for such a service and not finding one, I thought, 'Why not create it myself?' And that's how the idea was born. It's about bringing that touch of luxury to everyone, while also celebrating the beautiful artistry that goes into making these bags. Plus, it's sustainable, allowing people to enjoy different styles without overconsumption. It just made sense. 

How do you select the bags for your collection? 

When it comes to selecting the bags for my collection, I focus on creating a balanced mix of classic and trendy pieces. I like to offer a range of neutrals and pops of color, because variety is key. However, I've noticed that most of my clientele are women who prefer a more minimalist, neutral aesthetic. It's interesting, really—they're not necessarily looking for bags with bold logos or over-the-top branding. Instead, they gravitate towards clean lines and understated elegance. 

One thing that's always a priority for me is to find the most iconic models from each fashion house. These are the timeless pieces that have stood the test of time and won't end up in outlets. I aim for quality and prestige, knowing that when my clients choose a 

bag from my collection, they're getting a piece that carries a certain legacy. It’s not just about what's in fashion today; it's about what will remain stylish and sophisticated for years to come. I think that's what sets my collection apart—the commitment to timelessness and the avoidance of fleeting trends. It's all about curating a selection that feels both current and enduring. 

What sets your rental service apart from others in the market? 

Well, first and foremost, it's a safe and trusted space. All the bags are managed in-house, which means I can personally guarantee their quality and ensure they’re in pristine condition for each renter. This attention to detail is crucial, especially when you're dealing with luxury items. 

What really makes my service unique is the personalized touch. I curate the selection myself, carefully choosing each piece to create a balanced and exciting collection. I also maintain a personal relationship with many of my clients, which allows me to tailor the service to their individual needs and preferences. It’s about more than just renting a bag; it's about creating a memorable experience. 

For me, even though it's a rental, the most important aspect of luxury is the experience. I want my clients to feel special from the moment they choose a bag to the moment they return it. It’s about the joy and satisfaction of holding a beautifully crafted piece, and I believe that attention to experience is what sets my service apart. It's not just about the bags; it's about the feeling you get when you carry them. 

 How do you ensure the authenticity and quality of the bags? 

Ensuring authenticity and quality in a rental business for luxury bags is crucial, and I take it very seriously. One of the key ways I do this is by privately managing our entire inventory. This approach allows me to guarantee that every piece we offer is 100% authentic and in top-notch condition. It's about maintaining strict control over the sourcing and maintenance of our bags. 

We stand by our commitment to quality. If there's ever a question about a bag's authenticity or condition, we offer a money-back guarantee. I believe that transparency and trust are essential in this business, and our clients appreciate that. 

A significant part of maintaining quality is building a strong community. I focus on attracting the right kind of clients—women who value the craftsmanship and elegance of luxury bags just as much as I do. The way I communicate is tailored to draw in these likeminded individuals, creating a positive and respectful environment. This community aspect helps maintain the integrity of our service and ensures that our bags are always treated with the care they deserve. Quality over quantity. 

 How do you stay updated with the latest trends in luxury bags? 

To stay updated with the latest trends in luxury bags, I follow the seasonal releases from the most relevant fashion brands. It's a bit of a balancing act—keeping an eye on what's fresh while filtering out what will truly resonate with my clients. I have this instinctive sense for what’s going to work right now, what's just a fleeting trend, and what's here to stay. 

I also keep tabs on resale platforms. They serve as a valuable barometer for demand, giving me insights into which bags are retaining their value and which ones are seeing a surge in popularity. The resale prices often reflect the market's appetite, and I use that data to guide my selections. It's a combination of following the trends while ensuring that the pieces I choose have lasting appeal and strong demand. It’s like having a finger on the pulse of luxury bags, which helps me stay ahead of the curve. 

Can you share a memorable experience or success story from your business? 

Every interaction with a client feels memorable, but there are some moments that really stand out. I remember one client who shared that she always felt anxious in luxury boutiques—like she didn't quite belong there. But when she rented from us, she felt completely at ease. She loved the idea that she could experience luxury without any pressure or expectations. To me, that's everything—creating a space where people feel comfortable and valued, regardless of their background or experience with high-end fashion. 

Another favorite moment was when a client rented a bag to 'test drive' it before deciding whether to buy. After a few days, she realized it wasn't quite what she wanted, and she was grateful to have had the opportunity to try it out without committing to a purchase. It's feedback like this that makes the whole rental model so rewarding—it gives people the freedom to experiment and explore without the stress of making a costly mistake. 

These stories remind me why I do what I do. It's about making luxury accessible and taking the anxiety out of the equation. I love knowing that we're providing a service that resonates with people and helps them enjoy the world of luxury in their own way. 

 What role do you think sustainability plays in the luxury fashion industry, and how does your business contribute to it? 

Sustainability plays a pivotal role in the luxury fashion industry, especially as consumers become more conscious of their environmental footprint. Unlike fast fashion, luxury items have a lifespan of decades, offering both quality and longevity. My business contributes to sustainability by promoting the rental model, encouraging sharing and reusing instead of buying new items. 

By renting luxury bags, we help reduce impulse purchases and offer the opportunity to use pieces already in circulation. This approach combats fast fashion, which is known for its short lifecycle and tendency to create excess waste. When you rent, you access high- quality pieces that can last decades, reducing the need for new production. 

It's about extending the life of luxury items and allowing more people to enjoy them without contributing to overproduction. By choosing to rent, you're making a more sustainable choice that aligns with the movement towards eco-friendliness in fashion. It's not just about looking good; it's about knowing that you're making a positive impact on the environment. 

 What do you love most about running your own business in Milan? 

There's something truly magical about this city—it’s always buzzing with energy, and there's always an event happening. Whether it is fashion week, a gallery opening, or a chic rooftop party, Milan is the epicenter of style and culture. It’s the perfect backdrop for my business, which thrives on the vibrant social scene. 

I love seeing my rental service become a valuable part of women's busy lives. Milanese women are always on the go, juggling work, social events, and family, so having access to luxury bags without the commitment of buying is incredibly useful for them. It's wonderful to know that my business is helping them feel confident and put-together, no matter where they're headed. 

Plus, there's a sense of community in Milan that I adore. It’s a city where people appreciate quality and craftsmanship, which aligns perfectly with my business philosophy. Being able to contribute to this lively, stylish community is one of the most rewarding aspects of running my own business here. 

 What advice would you give to someone looking to start a similar business? 

My first piece of advice would be to truly understand your market. It's not just about offering luxury bags; it's about knowing who your clients are, what they value, and what experiences they're seeking. Take the time to build relationships with your potential customers and understand their lifestyles.

Don't forget the importance of building a brand that reflects your values. Your business should have a unique voice and identity that stands out. Authenticity is key, and if you believe in what you're offering, your clients will too.

Starting a business is challenging, but if you're passionate about what you do and are willing to put in the effort, it's incredibly rewarding. Just stay focused, be adaptable, and always prioritize your clients' needs.

 How do you see the future of the rental market for luxury items? 

The future of the rental market for luxury items looks incredibly promising, especially as more people embrace sustainability and flexibility in their lifestyles. I see a shift happening, with consumers seeking quality over quantity and preferring experiences over ownership. Renting luxury items is becoming a smart and stylish alternative to purchasing, and I believe this trend will continue to grow. 

People are realizing that they can enjoy high-end fashion without the commitment or environmental impact of buying new pieces. Renting offers the freedom to experiment with different styles and brands without cluttering up their wardrobes. It's a win-win: you get to access luxury while also reducing waste and supporting a more sustainable fashion industry. 

In the future, I imagine rental becoming more integrated into mainstream fashion culture, with a broader acceptance of sharing and reusing luxury items. It's a positive step towards a more sustainable and inclusive industry, and I'm excited to be part of this journey